Voting is a form of Insanity – Nobody for President 2016

We have been saying this for years. The vote is rigged. Voting for the devil you know or the best of the worst, is not an acceptable way to run a corporation. I mean COUNTRY.

I heard this guy on reddit and like his views. Check it out!

Tags for the “web” to “crawl”:
votecoin, internet voting, voting, election, 2016, web voting, encryption, sha-256, sha256, safe, secure, private, ballot, machines, hack, news, btc, bitcoin, blockchain, blockchain voting, voter fraud, fraud, aware, ethereum,

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Internet voting is SAFE: If the internet voting technology is executed properly, it’s improbable that it will be hacked, especially if the U.S. handles it like online banking but double the login procedures, and if the login portal requires ALL users to do this: 1. Use SHA-256 encryption hashing, and the user submits a test vote, and then have to verify that test vote using all the same credentials.
2. Use 2-3 step verification every step of the way. Such as google’s 2 step (
3. Vote within a safe portal, that auto times out after 3 minutes, so no one’s vote can be stolen. 4. At login require 4-5 security questions to login. Questions must be changed semi-annually. 5. Use a blockchain-like ID verification system where each user gets to “spend” their vote once, each election, after going through a very safe ID verification process.
6. Down stream: Allow the voters to redact their vote if they are being held by a captor, or bribed, or abused in domestic violence at home.

For more information check out: ThreeBallot voting protocol vVote: Archived 1999 Voting subs on reddit:

Internet voting in 2016 will be the only way to keep the war mongers, reality stars, and self-elected shillionaires out of the white house. The U.S. needs to run a parallel internet vote to ensure the leader ship of the country is not stolen again.

Various U.S. Leaders and officials are traitors, and should be tried as so. U.S. citizens need to regroup and realize their own overloads, tax collectors, and county “officials” are the actual terrorists. Unfortunately, due to the heavy TV/statist school programming, citizens have come to recognize terrorists come from the far region of the Middle East. Most citizens can’t even tell you geographically where or why we a pumping billions into Israel and these regions… citizens acquiesce and watch the tax dollars disappears in the form of hummer exhaust. Maybe once the shit lords who are dumping the chemicals concede to themselves, in their own heart and soul, that they are the true terrorists, these perpetrators will have a moment of self realization and begin to change, or they may be too far down the path and never repent. I believe that anyone is capable of turning their life around to do good… and it’s never too late to change the path you are on. One can change their ways. Some of the criminals and cohorts behind the poisoning of the masses, it may be better for the U.S. if they take their own lives, and deal with it this way. Maybe if these so-called officials realize many citizens view them worse than they view 3rd world radicalized Syrian civilian militants – and they realize how many “officials” are terrorists, the dialogue will change. It should be a law the U.S. “journalists” refer to these U.S. employed perpetrators as terrorists, to emphasize the gravity of this matter.